The activities will be performed through the following five Subtasks:
Subtask A: Cooperation with ongoing or upcoming SHC Tasks and related Tasks from other IEA TCPs
A 1: Cooperation with ongoing or upcoming IEA TCPs and Tasks
A 2: Regulation Framework
Subtask B: Methodology adoption
B 1: Functional units and framework parameters
B 2: Ecological assessment
B 3: Economic assessment
B 4: Hybrid integral assessment
Subtask C: Data of different technologies and components
C 1: Data requirement
C 2: Data sources and collection
Subtask D: Reference systems and their requirements, scenarios, and optimization
D 1: Reference data: Demand side
D 2: Reference data: Heating systems (Supply side)
Subtask E: Dissemination, networking, and policy involvement
E 1: Stakeholder involvement
E 2: Reporting